Thursday, 2 April 2015

By Aimee Schwartz

It is not illegal to grow plants. Plants are good for people as well as the environment. They only become detrimental when products that are harmful to everyone are derived from them. Examples of those products that should be prevented from being processed from these plants would be illegal drugs.

A perfect example of that would be the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant, when grown to help the economy, is not a bad thing. In fact, there is now a movement for this plant to be grown for the sake of helping the economy progress further. Such movement is jumpstarted with the industrial hemp Pennsylvania pilot program. Here are the benefits you can enjoy when you support this movement.

Clothing. You can surely get the best raw material for clothing when you make use of this particular plant. It is similar to any other trees out there. You can get textiles out of the said plants. Even from years back, the said plants can be a source of raw material where a durable textile can be processed from.

This can also be used to create food and beverages. You can extract oil from the seeds of this plant, especially since one-third of the seed is made up of the oil. The oil is edible and nutritious, with essential fatty acids. Not only the oil which can be used for food and dietary supplement, you can also use the said plant to brew beer, ferment wine, and distill alcoholic beverages.

Paper. Just like with other trees, it should be possible for you to get paper from this particular plant. This can also produce the pulp you need to make paper. With this quickly renewable source of pulp, you do not have to bend your back to purchase wood pulp for making paper. This particular plant is easily sustainable as well.

Building supplies can be made from the plant. You might have already expected food, beverages, clothing, and paper to be made from this plant. However, it might be an eye-opener for you to know that this can also create quality building materials. Materials for insulation as well as fiberboard and pressboard are just some of the examples for that.

Plastics are also possible uses for this plant. It is possible for you to treat the said plant as a viable feedstock for the production of plastic. You can even find the plastic made from the said plant to be more durable than any other types. You can use it for the body of the car or for simple uses such as DVD cases and CD cases.

Biodiesel. The oil of the seed of this particular plant can give more than just the raw material for food and beverages. If you can process it properly, then you can turn this into biodiesel, just like any other existing vegetable oil these days. You can rely on current solid technologies for that process.

You can enjoy chemical cleanup with this plant as well. It has been considered intriguing for this plant to help in cleaning up soil contamination. The said plant has potential in cleaning up those lands contaminated by sewage sludge, fly ash, and heavy metals.

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