Wednesday, 30 March 2016

By Ken Slow

In the very long scale of history, Hong Kong as we know it today has existed for a mere blink of an eye. But there was a lot going on in the region before that wintry morning in 1841 when a contingent of British marines clambered ashore and planted the Union flag on the western part of Hong Kong Island, claiming it for the British Crown.

There is evidence that people lived in Hong Kong about 20,000 years ago. Lots of stone tools and other objects have been found. On tiny Ma Wan Island next to Lantau Island, a Neolithic burial site was found. It dates to the latter part of the Neolithic era. The skeletons date to about 3,000 BC. Pottery was found also.

Hong Kong’s is truly a mixed culture. Not only does the territory celebrate festivals and holidays of the East and the West, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Lunar (Chinese) New Year, Christmas, the Western New Year, and others, but it also enjoys hundreds of annual cultural events ranging from traditional Cantonese and other Chinese regional operas and puppet shows to performances of ballet, theatre, and music and exhibitions of paintings and sculptures by nationally and internationally renowned performers and artists.

Today, Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The flag of Hong Kong comprises a red field in the center of which is a white, five-petal orchid flower. The red field signifies zest, celebration, and a festive mood.

The shading red remains for the national PRC banner. The shading was received to build up a connection between Hong Kong and China. The blossom is an image of congruity furthermore speaks of the dichotomy of China and Hong Kong.

Each of the bloom's petals includes a five-pointed red star which reflects the socialism and communism. The banner was initially embraced on April 4, 1990, at the Third Session of the Seventh National People's Congress. The banner was formally affirmed as the national banner on July 1, in 1997, when the power of Hong Kong changed hands from the United Kingdom to China. The Flag Company Inc worked in banner plans offered a unique release of decals and banners to remember the historical backdrop of Hong Kong Flag for future generations.

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Saturday, 26 March 2016

By Henry Spot

Haiti is a country on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. Hispaniola has two countries. Haiti makes up roughly the western 1/3 of the island. The Dominican Republic makes up the eastern 2/3 of the island. The two countries are not on very friendly terms and never have been. Their roots are very different. Haiti is primarily populated by African-Caribbean people with a history of French colonialism. The Dominican Republic is made up of Afro-European mixed blooded people and their roots are deeply influenced by Spanish colonialism.

Explored by Columbus on Dec. 6, 1492, Haiti's native Arawaks fell victim to Spanish rule. In 1697, Haiti became the French colony of Saint-Dominique, which became a leading sugarcane producer dependent on slaves.

Inspired by the French Revolution of 1789, the slaves rose up and demanded to be freed. After a 10-year rebellion, the country finally gained independence in 1804. It was hailed a republic and was the first country to be governed by people of African descent in the world. The ensuing years of the 19th century saw a power struggle, and by 1915, the US military took Haiti in an attempt to restore political stability. Their presence lasted until 1934. By 1957 after some turmoil, the first of the Duvaliers took office, which unfortunately led to a dark period in Haiti’s past.

The banner first came into usage in 1806 and was made official by the national constitution on February 25, 2012. The banner of Haiti is a bicolor banner, partitioned with blue on the upper half and red on the lower half.

In the inside, the ensign of Haiti is situated in a white rectangle. The crest includes a palm tree, finished with the Phrygian cap, an image of freedom, and encompassed by six Haitian banners. The tree is flanked by guns, and between them are a few articles, including a drum and cornets, and a broken chain. Over the base of the crest is a pennant that peruses "L'Union Fait La Force," which signifies "Solidarity is Strength."

The colors of the Haitian flag reflect Haiti's status as a former French colony, using the red and blue from the French flag. The story behind this resemblance is that the revolutionary Jean-Jacques Dessalines created the flag from the French flag, removing the white center and rotating the stripes, the blue, and red left to represent Haitians, symbolically removing any remnants of white influence. The blue represented the former slaves and the red represented the mulatto population, who are people of mixed black and white ancestry.

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Friday, 25 March 2016

By Peter Fright

Guyana was a Dutch colony in the 17th century until it was claimed by the British Crown in 1815. Remnants of these colonial eras are still evident in many cultural traditions as well as influence from the native indigenous tribes.

The Warrou people were the indigenous inhabitants of Guyana. The Dutch, English, and French established colonies in what is now known as Guyana, but by the early 17th century the majority of the settlements were Dutch. During the Napoleonic wars, Britain took over the Dutch colonies of Berbice, Demerara, and Essequibo, which became British Guiana in 1831.

British Guiana was run very much as a colony until 1953 when a new constitution provided for home rule and an elected government. Ten years later, riots left almost 200 dead after black laborers were hired to replace striking Indian plantation workers. In 1966, the country became an independent member of the British Commonwealth with the name Guyana, and in 1970, it became a republic with an elected president.

The current flag of Guyana was officially adopted on May 20, 1966. The national flag of Guyana was designed by a prominent American vexillologist Whitney Smith. Because the flag has a yellow and a red arrow on its green base, the flag of Guyana is also called 'The Golden Arrowhead'.

The yellow arrow is flanked with a slim white strip and the red one is encased by a dark line. The green shading on the national banner of Guyana connotes the woods and foliage of this African nation.

The yellow shading delineates the unprecedented mineral asset of the state and the splendid future which it yearns while red symbolizes the essentialness of the general population of Guyana. The white shading on the banner of Guyana delineates the waterways and dark means perseverance. The Flag Company Inc had practical experience in banner plans offered an uncommon version of decals and banners to remember the historical backdrop of Guyana Flag for future generations.

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Thursday, 24 March 2016

By Miranda Stevens

The long narrow strip of central America, known in its entirety to the Spanish as Guatemala, is among the earliest of colonial conquests on the mainland. Pedro de Alvarado, a leading member of Cortés' small party in the conquest of Mexico (1519-21), is sent south in 1523 to subdue the smaller area now known as Guatemala.

A series of repressive regimes followed, and by 1960, the country was plunged into a civil war between military governments, right-wing vigilante groups, and leftist rebels that would last 36 years, the longest civil war in Latin American history.

As a feature of the Federal Republic of Central America, Guatemala used a banner with flat groups of blue, white, and blue again from 1825 to 1851. After 1851, the Spanish national hues, red and yellow, were consolidated into the configuration until 1871, when the present banner was picked. The new banner separated itself by using vertical stripes and including the Guatemalan crest, which was embraced in 1868.

The national banner of Guatemala is partitioned into three vertical stripes. The left and right stripes are sky blue, and the center stripe is white. Focused on the white stripe is the nation's crest, which was received in 1968 and incorporates a shield with two crossed rifles and two brilliant swords attached to a shrub crown.

The banner of Guatemala highlights the national flying creature, the Resplendent Quetzal. Its hooks hold a look with the date of Central American independence from Spain, December 15, 1821. The sky blue groups on every side of the banner demonstrate Guatemala's area between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. White is the conventional shade of peace and stands for the respectable ideals of trustworthiness and concordance which are valued in Guatemala.

The Quetzal bird perched on the parchment stands for the autonomy and independence of Guatemala. The crossed rifles indicate the willingness to fight to defend the country against any foreign attack, the swords represent honor, and the laurel wreath symbolizes victory. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Guatemalan flag for the future.

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By Gary Lock

Gibraltar can trace its history back almost 3000 years to when the Phoenicians landed in 940BC on the small area of land on the southern edge of Europe and founded the city of Carteia. By the 11th century AD, Gibraltar was part of the Arab kingdom of Sevilla. The threat of invasion from African sects led to the building of a fort in 1068, but Gibraltar was eventually overrun by the Almohads.

In 1540, the great Queen Isabella died. In her will she wrote of Gibraltar: "That they may always hold for The Crown and in Our Royal Patrimony the said City of Gibraltar, with all which appertains thereto, and may not give away nor alienate, nor consent to being given or alienated, any part thereof." None-the-less, her descendant Philip V gave it away conditionally but effectively to Britain in 1713.

The present banner of Gibraltar was formally embraced on November 8, 1982. The banner of Gibraltar is a stretched variant of the crest of Gibraltar which was initially embraced as the official ensign of the nation by the requests of Queen Isabella of Castile on July 10, 1502.

The banner of Gibraltar components two even groups of red and white with a three-towered stronghold amidst the white band. The château is two-layered and each of the towers has an entryway and a window. A brilliant key is discovered swinging from the center tower stretching out into the red stripe.

The red band in the flag symbolizes the revolutionary spirit and fortitude shown by the countrymen in their fight for independence; white is a traditional color of peace and stands for the harmony in the nation.

The gold key swinging from the center tower speaks of the vital position Gibraltar possesses at the passage to the Mediterranean. The château reflects the fortress of Gibraltar. Flag Company Inc decided to assist with the history development by providing special decals and banners to make it easy to build a bit of the Gibraltar Flag history right at home.

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Wednesday, 23 March 2016

By Nichol Long

The first people to set foot in Greenland arrived around 4-5000 years ago from the North American continent via Canada when the sea froze in the narrow strait at Thule in northern Greenland.

In 1979, the Danish government granted home rule to Greenland. Under this agreement, Greenland remained part of the Danish realm, and each Greenlander was a Danish citizen, enjoying equal rights with all other Danes. Denmark retained control of the island’s constitutional affairs, foreign relations, and defense while Greenland maintained jurisdiction over economic development, municipal regulations, taxes, education, the social welfare system, cultural affairs, and the state church.

The idea of the national flag first came up in 1973 when some proposed a green, white, and blue flag. The next year in 1974 a newspaper published eleven other designs out of which ten featured a Nordic Cross. No flag was chosen at the time and the plan of selecting an official flag took a backseat.

In 1978, when Greenland was granted home rule by Denmark, a design contest was held across the country. Of the many entries received, a red and white flag with the circle was chosen as the official flag of the country.

In the nearby dialect, Greenlandic, the banner is alluded to as Erfalasorput, signifying "our banner". The Greenland banner is otherwise called Aappalaartoq - "the red". The term Aappalaartoq is likewise used to allude to the banner of Denmark. The banner of Greenland does not include a Nordic Cross.

Today the population of Greenland is 57,000. The capital of Greenland, Nuuk has a population of 15,000. Most of the population of Greenland are Inuit.Flag Company Inc decided to assist with the history development by providing special decals and banners to make it easy to build a bit of Greenland Flag history right at home.

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By Marta Rogan

Grenada is the most southerly of the Windward Islands. The Arawak Indians were the first to inhabit Grenada, but they were all eventually massacred by the Carib Indians. When Columbus arrived in 1498, he encountered the Caribs, who continued to rule over the island for another 150 years. The French gained control of the island in 1672 and held on to it until 1762 when the British invaded. Black slaves were granted freedom in 1833. After more than 200 years of British rule, most recently as part of the West Indies Associated States, Grenada became independent on Feb. 7, 1974, with Eric M. Gairy as prime minister.

The flag of Grenada was designed by Anthony C. George and officially adopted on February 7, 1974, a few days after achieving independence from Britain. Prior to this, Grenada had been a British colony and had used a colonial flag, which featured the British Union Jack and an ensign of Grenada.

The banner of Grenada was outlined by Anthony C. George and embraced on February 7, 1974, a couple of days after accomplishing freedom from Britain. Preceding this, Grenada had been a British state and had used a banner, which included the British Union Jack and an ensign of Grenada. Grenada turned into a British related state in 1967 when it embraced a tricolor banner with even stripes of blue, yellow, and green. In the middle was the seal of the nutmeg. This banner was supplanted with the present banner upon independence.

The banner of Grenada is isolated corner to corner into four triangles. The top and base triangles are golden, and the triangles on the derrick and fly side are green. At the point where the four triangles meet in the inside, an expansive gold star is situated over a red circle. Focused on the lift side is an image speaking of a nutmeg in gold and red over the green triangle. The triangles are encompassed by a red fringe, with three gold stars along the top and another three along the base.

The colors of the flag of Grenada are the typical pan-African colors, reflecting the country's ties with Africa and its African identity. The red is symbolic of the courage and vitality of the people of Grenada, and their quest for freedom. The red border represents the preservation of their unity. The gold represents the sunshine and warmth of the people and symbolizes wisdom.

Green customarily speaks of the fruitful grounds. There is one star for each of the six areas and the huge star for the capital of Grenada. The nutmeg is an image of Grenada, as it was once in the past called the Isle of Spice for its numerous nutmeg trees and today it supplies around 40 percent of the world's yearly nutmeg supply. Flag Company Inc decided to assist with the history development by providing special decals and banners to make it easy to build a bit of history of Grenada Flag right at home.

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By Stephan Ruling

The history of Greece can be traced back to Stone Age hunters. Later came early farmers and the civilizations of the Minoan and Mycenaean kings. This was followed by a period of wars and invasions, known as the Dark Ages. In about 1100 BC, a people called the Dorians invaded from the north and spread down the west coast. In the period from 500-336 BC, Greece was divided into small city-states, each of which consisted of a city and its surrounding countryside.

The Modern Greek State at the beginning comprised only Peloponnesus, west and east-central Greece (Sterea Hellas), and the Aegean Islands of Cyclades and Sporades. During the rest of the 19th Century, new areas inhabited by compact Greek populations were gradually included into the Greek state. At the same time, the newly emerged state took its first steps toward political and economic modernization.

The Greek banner used blue and white stripes and the cross in1822 when it was used as the maritime ensign. It turned out to be a national ensign from 1828. Over history, a few variants of the banner were used. A few rules included their crests or a crown to the banner. The present banner was most as of late received as the national banner in 1978.

The flag of Greece has nine horizontal stripes of blue and white, alternating, with blue on the top and bottom. In the canton is a white cross on a blue background. The nine stripes of the Greek flag represent the syllables in the Greek saying, "Freedom or Death" (Eleftheria i thanatos) and the nine letters in the Greek word for "freedom" (eleftheria). Another theory for the significance of the nine stripes is the traditional nine Greek Muses.

The blue and white cross in the canton speaks of the Greek religion, Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The precise shade of blue used as a part of the Greek banner has differed over history yet as of late is normally a more profound blue.

Blue and white have for quite some time been connected with Greece, referencing the sky and ocean and the country's social legacy. The hues might have been used to reflect Greek divine beings and goddesses, similar to Achilles and Athena. They might have additionally been used amid Byzantine and Ottoman standard. The Flag Company Inc represented considerable authority in banner plans offered an exceptional release of decals and banners to retain the Greece Flag History for future generations.

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By Joana Farrel

Guam, the largest island in Micronesia, is fifteen hundred miles southeast of Tokyo and six thousand miles west of San Francisco. It has an area of 212 square miles, (550 square kilometers). A high limestone plateau forms the northern regions. The southern region is of volcanic origin, with a mountainous terrain of red clay hills, waterfalls, rivers, and streams.

Guam’s original inhabitants are believed to be Indo-Malayan descendants from Southeast Asia, dating back to 2,000 BC. The cultural and linguistic practices of these groups are similar to people in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The early society established by the Chamorro thrived because of advanced skills in hunting, horticulture and fishing. They were skilled craftsmen who specialized in pottery and weaving and were excellent seamen. The Chamorro were also praised for their Latte stone structures, which served as pillars for their elevated homes. Today, Latte Park displays this thousand year old structures, which are considered archeological treasures.

Today Guam is an unincorporated, organized territory of the United States. The people of Guam have been U.S. citizens since 1950. They have been represented in the U.S. Congress since 1973 by a nonvoting delegate, but they do not participate in presidential elections.

The Guam Flag was acknowledged by the Guam Congress on February 9, 1948. The Guam banner was composed in 1917 by Mrs. Helen L. Paul. Mrs. Paul was the wife of a US Naval Officer, The national banner of Guam was received in 1948. The Guam banner is comprised of a field of blue with a red fringe.

Amidst the blue field is the nation's emblem which is oval. The crest highlights a kayak cruising in Agana Bay close Hagatna; a coconut palm outlined against Two Lover's Point in Tumon Bay; and the name of the nation, GUAM in red letters.

The oval shape of the ensign refers to the ancient Chamorro sling stones that were used on the island. In 1930, the oval design was officially made the Great Seal of the Territory of Guam. The colors and the design of the Guam Flag have been borrowed from the United States flag. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize for the future.

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Saturday, 19 March 2016

By Lena Heading

In its long history, Germany has rarely been united. For most of the two millennia that Central Europe has been inhabited by German-speaking peoples, such as the Eastern Franks, the area now called Germany was divided into hundreds of states, many quite small, including duchies, principalities, free cities, and ecclesiastical states. Not even the Romans united what is now known as Germany under one government; they managed to occupy only its southern and western portions.

Following World War II, Germany broke into two sectors divided by the Berlin Wall: the democratic Federal Republic of Germany, or West Germany, and the communist German Democratic Republic, or East Germany. In 1990, after four decades, the two countries unified and became once again one democratic country.

The first flag of Germany was adopted in 1848, at the time when Germany's feudal states were in the process of trying to unite. Although the union never occurred, a flag comprising equal widths of black, red, and gold was established. The three colors were the same colors that appeared on the uniforms of German soldiers during the Napoleonic wars.

When the states were finally united in 1871, the colors were replaced with black, white, and red. However, after a German republic was finally declared in 1919 following their defeat in World War I, the black, red, and gold flag returned.

After 10 years, the banner was designed for the Nazi party banner, which additionally turned into the National banner. The end of the war respected the tricolor banner, however since East and West Germany had been partitioned, East Germany included its crest. The emblem was uprooted when the East and West reunified, and it, at last, resembles the first tricolor flag.

Today Germany has more than 82 million occupants, making it the most populated nation in Europe. The Flag Company Inc represented considerable authority in banner plans offered an extraordinary release of decals and banners to retain the historical backdrop of Germany Flag for future generations.

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Friday, 18 March 2016

By Ted Sorrow

Little is known of the small African kingdoms in the region between the Tano and Volta rivers until the arrival of Europeans in the 15th century. Portuguese navigators, working their way down the west African coast, reach this area in 1471 and build a fortress at Elmina in 1482. But others follow fast. As early as 1492 a French buccaneer, marauding off the coast, deprives a Portuguese ship of its precious cargo.

Several major civilizations flourished in the general region of what is now Ghana. The ancient empire of Ghana (located 500 mi northwest of the contemporary state) reigned until the 13th century. The Akan peoples established the next major civilization, beginning in the 13th century, and then the Ashanti empire flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Ghana became the first sub-Saharan African country to gain its independence in 1957. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, who was responsible for the successful negotiations with the British and declared independence, became the first Prime Minister and then President of Ghana.

The current version of the flag of the Republic of Ghana was adopted on February 28, 1966. The flag was designed by Mrs. Theodosia Salome Okoh and was first adopted on March 6, 1957, following the country's independence from the British rule. The flag underwent a few alterations; between 1964 and 1966 when the middle gold stripe was replaced by a white one.

The banner of the Republic of Ghana has three flat stripes: red, gold, and green. The hues used as a part of the banner are the Pan-African hues. Red speaks of the progressive soul in their battle for independence; gold symbolizes the wealth of minerals found in this country; and green speaks of the lavish greenery, common assets, and the backwoods of Ghana.

The center stripe includes a five-pointed dark star that stands for the liberation of the country and the solidarity showed by the comrades in their battle against the expansionism. The star was acquired from the banner of a delivery line called Black Star Line. Flag Company Inc decided to assist with the history development by providing special decals and banners to make it easy to build a bit of Ghana Flag history right at home.

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Thursday, 17 March 2016

By Harold Higgins

The largest of the U.S. states east of the Mississippi River and the youngest of the 13 former English colonies, Georgia was founded in 1732, at which time its boundaries were even larger-including much of the present-day states of Alabama and Mississippi.

By the mid-19th century, Georgia had the greatest number of plantations of any state in the South, and in many respects epitomized plantation culture and economic dependence on slavery. Georgia is named after George II, who was king of Britain when Europeans first settled there in 1733.

The desire for land and later gold created a swift expansion beyond the old frontier, carrying with it increased trade along rivers and migration of people along new roads into the wilderness. The primary basis for this new growth and economic expansion was the production of cotton through a slave labor system.

The historical backdrop of the banners that have flown over or were expected to fly over the State of Georgia is a long one with numerous unanswered inquiries. Numerous planned outlines were never executed. Numerous statutory outlines were changed by configuration.

On May eighth, 2003, the new Georgia banner was endorsed. The new plan shows two red stripes, one white stripe, and a blue field upper left. The state's official ensign is encompassed by 13 white stars, typical of Georgia being one of the first 13 provinces.

On the seal itself, three pillars support an arch, representing the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. A standing man with a sword was drawn is defending the U.S. Constitution. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Georgia State Flag for the future.

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By Lora Frank

For a vessel sailing down the west coast of Africa, the mouth of the Senegal river offers the first refreshing welcome after the parched territory of the western Sahara. Further south, around the difficult promontory of Cape Verde, is the, even more, enticing estuary of the Gambia. Here the channel is sufficiently broad and deep to carry even modern ocean-going vessels as far as 150 miles inland.

Located in West Africa, the Republic of Gambia is a narrow plain embedded in Senegal, traversed by the Yingangbiya River. Within Gambia's area of 10,380 square kilometers, there is a population of l 36 million, the main tribes being the Mandingo, the Fula, and the Wolof. Islam is the primary religion of Gambia and the official language is English. The currency is the dalasis and the capital is Banjul.

During the 17th century various English and French adventurers and semi-official expeditions came and went, on the trail of gold and slaves. There were Portuguese communities living on the river banks until the mid-18th century, and much intermarriage with local people. From the 18th century, the French and the British struggled for control of the region. Between 1765 and 1783 The Gambia and Senegal were combined into the province of Senegambia, under French administration. The British settlement of James Island was recognized by the Treaty of Versailles in 1783.

The banner of Gambia was formally embraced on February 18, 1965, the day Gambia accomplished independence from the Britain. Planned by Pa Louis Thomas, the national banner of Gambia is level tricolor of red, blue and green that are isolated by thin white stripes.

The red stripe stands for the savanna grasslands and also symbolizes the sun; blue represents the clear waters of the Gambia River that flow through the country; green represents the lush greenery, agricultural practices, and forests of Gambia.

The thin white stripes symbolize solidarity, peace in the country. The Flag Company Inc spent significant time in banner plans offered an uncommon version of decals and banners to retain the historical backdrop of Gambia Flag for future generations.

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By Evan Gregor

Finland is three times the size of Ohio. It is heavily forested and contains thousands of lakes, numerous rivers, and extensive areas of marshland. The first inhabitants of Finland were the Sami people.

The recorded history of Finland began in the 12th century. By 1120 Christian missionaries were operating there. They were prepared to use force to convert Finland! The Swedish king Eric led a crusade in 1157. An Englishman, Bishop Henry of Uppsala, assisted him. Henry stayed after the Swedish soldiers left and he was martyred. Later he became the patron saint of Finland. However in 1172, the Pope said that the Finns would convert then renounce their faith as soon as their enemies had left. He advised the Swedes to subject the Finns by permanently manning fortresses in Finland.

By 1809, the whole of Finland was conquered by Alexander I of Russia, who set up Finland as a grand duchy. The period of Russification (1809-1914) capped Finnish political power and made Russian the country's official language. When Russia became engulfed by the March Revolution of 1917, Finland seized the opportunity to declare independence on Dec. 6, 1917.

The flag was originally adopted in 1918, based on the country's coat of arms. The current Finland flag was adopted on May 26, 1978. Finland was under Russian occupation from 1899 to 1917, and the nation sought to use a flag of its own. It wasn't until Finland gained independence in 1917 that a design for an official flag gained momentum.

The banner of Finland comprises of a white base with a blue cross. The vertical stripe in the cross is arranged to one side of the banner; while the horizontal one is focused. An old writer depicted Finland's hues as speaking of "the blue of our lakes and the white snow of our winters." The cross on the Finland banner is basic in most Scandinavian banners and symbolizes Finland's inherited connection to the next Scandinavian nations.

The Finnish banner is demonstrated on the outline of the banner of Denmark's and Sweden's banners. By law, the Finland banner must not be filthy or harmed, and should not be destroyed or enlivened. At the point when the Finland banner is washed, it must be dried inside. The Finland banner should dependably be regarded, and should not be covered in the ground or used for some other reason. The Flag Company Inc had practical experience in banner plans offered an uncommon version of decals and banners to remember the Flag of Finland for future generations.

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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

By Brian Colins

The Philippine archipelago was settled at least 30,000 years ago when migrations from the Indonesian archipelago and elsewhere are believed to have occurred. Additional migrations took place over the next millennia. Over time, the social and political organization developed and evolved in the widely scattered islands.

Ferdinand Magellan was the first European recorded to have landed in the Philippines*. He arrived in March 1521 during his circumnavigation of the globe. He claimed land for the king of Spain but was killed by a local chief. Following several more Spanish expeditions, the first permanent settlement was established in Cebu in 1565.

The Malay Muslims remained dominant in these parts until the 16th century. In the early 16th century, the Philippines began receiving visitors who would have far more long-lasting consequences. Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan landed at Samar at dawn on 16 March 1521. He claimed the islands for Spain and named them the Islas del Poniente (Western Islands).

The USA took control of the islands in 1945 and allowed the Philippines independence on July 4, 1946. The banner experienced minor adjustments in 1997. The Philippine banner was initially outlined by General Aguinaldo in 1897 in Hong Kong. The banner of the Philippines comprises of two even stripes and a white level triangle on the left half of the banner confronting the center. The top stripe is blue and the base is red. In every edge of the triangle is a five-pointed gold/yellow star. In the center point of the triangle, there is an expansive gold/yellow sun.

The present Philippine banner was embraced on September 16, 1997. The banner was initially received in 1898 after the Philippines picked up freedom from Spain however it was banned in 1907 after the USA took control of the nation. Japan attacked the Philippines in 1942 and the banner was again banned until 1943.

The blue stripe symbolizes patriotism and justice. The red represents valor and the bloodshed for freedom and independence and the white stands for peace and purity. The white triangle represents equality and the Katipunan nationalist organization. The three stars represent the three main geographical regions of the Philippines: Luzon, Mindanao, and the Visayas. The sun represents independence and its eight rays represent the eight provinces that led the Philippine uprising against Spanish rule. The national flag of the Philippines is also the country's war ensign, when the Philippines are at war it is flown upside down, with the red stripe on top of the blue. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Philippine Flag for the future.

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Tuesday, 15 March 2016

By Antony Lowrance

The region that is now Gabon was inhabited in Paleolithic times. By the 16th cent. A.D. the Omiéné were living along the coast and in the 18th cent. the Fang entered the region from the north. From the 16th to the 18th cent. the area was part of the decentralized Loango empire, which included most of the area between the Ogooué and Congo rivers.

The earliest humans in Gabon were believed to be the Babinga, or Pygmies, dating back to 7000 B.C., who were later followed by Bantu groups from southern and eastern Africa. Now there are many tribal groups in the country, the largest being the Fang peoples, who constitute 25% of the population.

From 1910 to 1957, Gabon was a part of French Equatorial Africa. The Fang and some other African peoples resisted the imposition of French rule until 1911. In 1913, Albert Schweitzer established a hospital at Lambaréné on the Ogooué. During World War II, Free French forces gained control (1940) of Gabon from the Vichy government. In 1946, Gabon became an overseas territory of France, and in 1958, the country became internally self-governing within the French Community.

In 1958, the country became a French community and self-governing. At this time, the flag of Gabon was a horizontal tricolor of four green, one yellow, and 4 blue stripes. The flag also had a French tricolor in the canton. In 1960, the country became a newly independent Republic of Gabon and elected a president.

The banner of Gabon was authoritatively received by Gabon in August 1960. Their military airship has a roundel. Green is the inside circle and is encompassed by the yellow and the blue in just equal groups. Blue is the peripheral shading.

The banner of Gabon has three similarly measured even groups of green on the top band, yellow in the center band and blue as the lower band. The green shading speaks of the green woodland. With the equator crossing the nation, their woods is exceptionally lavish and green. The blue shading speaks of the ocean. Yellow is said to speak of the nation's other normal assets and the Equator line which go through the nation. The Flag Company Inc had practical experience in banner plans offered an extraordinary release of decals and banners to remember the historical backdrop of Gabon Flag for future generations.

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Sunday, 13 March 2016

By Bob Dunkan

According to Fijian legend, the great chief Lutunasobasoba led his people across the seas to the new land of Fiji. Most authorities agree that people came into the Pacific from Southeast Asia via the Malay Peninsula. Here the Melanesians and the Polynesians mixed to create a highly developed society long before the arrival of the Europeans.

From 1879 to 1916 Indians came as indentured laborers to work on the sugar plantations. After the indentured system was abolished, many stayed on as independent farmers and businessmen. Today they comprise 43.6 percent of the population.

The banner of Fiji was embraced on October 10, 1970. The banner of Fiji is a shade of sky blue with the British Union Jack in the upper left corner. To one side of the Union Jack is the shield from the ensign of Fiji.

The blue of the Fiji banner mirrors the island country's solid association with the Pacific Ocean that encompasses it. The British Union Jack speaks of the Fiji's history as a settlement of the United Kingdom.

The crest of Fiji in its complete structure includes the shield of Fiji steadied by two local Fijians, who hold weapons, a sailboat over the shield, and a pennant underneath, which reads "Fear God and honor the Queen." The shield is white with a red band over the top, and a red cross, much like the St. George's Cross used as a part of England's national banner.

Across the red band is a lion holding a cocoa pod. The cross segments the shield into four sections, each quadrant depicting features of Fiji, especially the agricultural specialties of the country. Clockwise from the upper left quadrant, the images are sugar cane, coconut palm, bananas, and a dove of peace, holding an olive branch in its beak. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Fiji flag for the future.

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Saturday, 12 March 2016

By Bob Nelson

According to Irish missionary Brendan, Celtic monks were already living in eremitic seclusion on the Faroes by the 6th century. Their isolation was ended from around AD800 when the first Norse farmers arrived. The farmers’ independence dwindled with the often forceful imposition of Christianity, and the isles became part of the Kingdom of Norway in 1035. The first bishops’ seat was established in Kirkjubøur.

Jens Oliver Lisberg composed the Faroe Islands banner in 1919 when he was experiencing his studies in Copenhagen. The main event when the Merkio was lifted in the region was on June 22, 1919, in Famjin amid a wedding event. It casually appeared in 1931.

The British authorities who annexed the territory sanctioned the ensign to be used by ships in the Faroe Islands on April 25, 1940. April 25 is a public holiday in the country and is observed as Flaggdagur all over the nation. With the introduction of the Home Rule Act, the ensign was eventually acknowledged by the Government of Denmark as the official flag of the Faroe Islands. The original version of the ensign is put on a show in the cathedral of Famjin, Suouroy. The current lighter blue shade was approved on June 5, 1959. Earlier, it used the blue color like Norway.

The ensign has been designed in a similar way like other Nordic Crosses, which is the convention established by the Flag of Denmark or Dannebrog. The flag of Faroe Islands is also known as Merkio, which refers to "the mark" or "the banner". The ensign has a number of similarities with the flags of Iceland and Norway, which are the neighbors of Denmark.

The white foundation symbolizes the spotless sky and the foam of the waves touching the shores of the island. The red and blue groups symbolize the hues used as a part of conventional Faroese headband.

Today, the Government of Faroe Islands uses the banner on exceedingly critical events, including the Flaggdagur (Flag Day), saw on April 25 consistently. Flag Company Inc decided to assist with the history development by providing special decals and banners to make it easy to build a bit of Faroe Islands Flag history right at home.

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Friday, 11 March 2016

By Sara Graham

Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and one of the oldest in the world. What is believed to be the oldest remains of a human ancestor ever found, which have been dated as being some five million years old, were discovered in the Awash Valley in Ethiopia? This beats the discovery of "Lucy", a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton, who was unearthed in the same area in 1974.

Ethiopia's history which culminates in the 1975 revolution poses some very critical issues in Marxist theory, which revolve around the role of feudalism. Ethiopia is one of the few countries in the world that had something resembling an authentic feudal system at the time of what appeared to be an embryonic socialist revolution. Although Trotsky wrote about combined and uneven development in the context of the theory of the permanent revolution, he was writing more about a situation in which feudal and capitalist property relations stood side-by-side. Ethiopia is somewhat different.

Fortunately, the Communist regime in Ethiopia was overthrown in 1991. In 1993 Eritrea became independent. In Ethiopia a new constitution was introduced in 1994 and elections were held in 1995. Today Ethiopia is still an overwhelmingly agricultural country and it is poor but the economy is growing steadily.

The Ethiopian banner was embraced on February 6, 1996. The Ethiopian hues date from the 1890s when powers faithful to the sovereign are accepted to have flown flags of green, yellow and red as they battled against Italian powers. The principal Ethiopian banner using these same hues was received in 1897. The banner of Ethiopia comprises of three equivalent level stripes - the top stripe is green; the center is yellow, and the base stripe is red. Amidst the banner is the nation's ensign on a blue circle.

The shaded stripes on the Ethiopian banner are critical - the red stripe remains for influence, confidence and blood; the yellow symbolizes the congregation, peace, and love; and the green speaks of the area and trust. The hues were deciphered to have an association with the Holy Trinity, and the three principle regions of Ethiopia. The star speaks of the solidarity of the general population and the races that make up Ethiopia. The five beams on the outside of the star reflect success and the blue circle means peace.

Ethiopia is credited with establishing the green, yellow and red colors that have come to symbolize African independence and unity. Ethiopia is the oldest independent African state. The colors became known as Pan-African colors. Sometimes black is added to these colors to represent the African people. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Ethiopian Flag for the future.

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By Albert Gregory

Positioned at the very centre of Polynesia, the Cook Islands stretch out in a scattering of 2 million square kilometres. Each island has its special place within the group. But their origins are owed to the Polynesians who arrived in Rarotonga around 800 AD. These ancient voyagers had set sail from Tupua, now French Polynesia.

Captain James Cook, the great explorer who, on the orders of his country, was voyaging the South Pacific for possible land acquisition, In 1773 he sighted Manuae, then subsequently Palmerston, Takutea, Mangaia and Atiu in 1777. Today the country is essentially independent or self-governing in free association with New Zealand which oversees the defence.

The earliest flag identified with the Cook Islands was in use on the island of Rarotonga in the 1850s. It had three horizontal stripes of red, white, and red, with three blue stars in the central white stripe.

A Union Jack canton was included 1888 after Britain built up a protectorate over the islands. In 1893 the stars vanished, an identification was put on the Union Jack, and alternate islands additionally started showing the banner. The Cook Islands turned into a protectorate under New Zealand in 1901.

On January 24, 1974, the Cook Islands acquired local autonomy and its own flag, which featured a ring of 15 yellow stars in the fly of a green field. Green stood for the islands' lush vegetation and the vitality of the people; yellow indicated their friendliness, hope, faith, and dedication; and the ring of stars represented unity for the 15 islands.

The banner was along these lines adjusted. The new outline, made an authority on August 4, 1979, all the more nearly takes after the New Zealand Flag. The Union Jack in the canton of a blue field symbolizes a quiet sea country and reviews the islands' connection with the Commonwealth. The white stars symbolize faith in God and the fairness of the 15 islands. The Flag Company Inc worked in banner outlines offered an extraordinary release of decals and banners to retain the historical backdrop of Cook Islands Flag for the future generations.

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Thursday, 10 March 2016

By Adam Bright

Situated at the maritime crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean basin, Cyprus has a rich and varied history. Many invaders, settlers and immigrants have come here over the centuries, and the island has seen Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Lusignans, Genoese, Venetians, Ottomans, British and Turks seek to take a part of Cyprus for themselves.

Cypriots, whether Greek or Turkish, are proud of their nation and feel a strong sense of national identity. The division of their island in 1974 is viewed by many as a temporary setback, and Cypriots look to the day when Cyprus will be a united island once again.

The national banner of the Republic of Cyprus was received in 1960 after getting freedom from the United Kingdom. The banner was picked by the President of the Republic Makarios III and the Vice-President Fazil Kucuk as the consequence of the banner outline rivalry.

By Constitution, the banner should not have blue or red hues (the shades of the banners of Greece and Turkey) and no a cross or a bow. The banner ought to look impartial. The national banner outline rivalry was won by a Turkish Cypriot instructor and craftsman Ismet Guney.

Cyprus is the main nation to show its property area on its official banner. The foundation of the banner is white that reflect the peace. In the center, there is the guide to the island that has the copper shading to speak of the verifiable connection of Cyprus to this metal. Under the island's guide, there are olive tree's limbs. The branches of the olive tree speak of the peace too.

The flag of Cyprus is used on land as the national and civil flag and at sea as the national and civil ensign. Many sea vessels in the world go under the Cyprus flag as Cyprus has the third largest fleet within the European Union, with 16% of the total fleet of the 25 EU Member States. The European fleet capacity has increased upon Cyprus' accession due to the Cyprus fleet contribution. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Cyprus Flag for the future.

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By Frank Gallow

It is thought that Patagonian Indians may have reached the islands by canoe, but when the Europeans encountered the islands in the seventeenth century, they were uninhabited. The British landed in 1690 and claimed the islands. The first settlement was by the French, at Port Louis on East Falkland in 1764. Spain soon after pressured the French to leave, and in 1767, forced the British out of a settlement on West Falkland. Argentina claimed the islands in the late 1820s, and the British reclaimed them in 1833. In the late 1800s, sheep ranching brought some wealth, and the British declared the islands a colony in 1892. Although the Argentinian were forced out in 1833, they did not abandon their claim.

The largest islands are East Falkland and West Falkland. The English captain John Strong made the first recorded landing in the Falklands in 1690. The islands passed among the French, Spanish, and British until 1820, when the Argentine government proclaimed its sovereignty. Argentina still claims the islands.

The present variant of the banner of the Falkland Islands was embraced on January 25, 1999. In any case, before this, the banner of the Falkland Islands that was received on September 29, 1948, had been fundamentally the same to the present one. The distinction was in the emblem, which had been littler on the 1948 form, and had additionally been put over a white circle.

The flag of the Falkland Islands is blue with the British Union Jack in the canton. The coat of arms of the nation is positioned on the fly side of the flag. The Union Jack reflects the islands' status as a British Overseas Territory.

The emblem of the Falkland Islands is a shield including a ram at the top, on a plot of grass. The ram and grass island are set above sea waves with a boat. Beneath the shield is a flag with the words "Desire the Right." The ram speaks of the Falkland Islands' conventional rural and monetary service when the sheep is a symbol of farming.

The plot of grass reflects the tussock grass, which is local to the Falkland Islands. The boat reflects English adventurer John Davis, who found the islands in 1592. His boat was named Desire, which is referenced in the motto of the standard. The Falkland Islands got its emblem on September 29, 1948. The Flag Company Inc had practical experience in banner plans offered an exceptional version of decals and banners to retain the historical backdrop of the Falkland Islands Flag for future generations.

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By Charly Smart

The Estonian people have lived along the Baltic coast for about 1500 years, speaking a Finno-Ugric tongue closely related to Finnish and distantly removed from Hungarian. The people gained a reputation for trade and even naval warfare, as Estonian Vikings caused great damage to their Swedish counterparts during several centuries of mutual campaigns.

Estonians resisted the assaults of Vikings, Danes, Swedes, and Russians before the 13th century. In 1346, the Danes, who possessed northern Estonia, sold the land to the Teutonic Knights of Germany, who already possessed Livonia (southern Estonia and Latvia).

Estonia declared independence from the Soviet Union in March 1990. Soviet resistance ensued, but after recognition by European and other countries, the Soviet Union acknowledged Estonian nationhood on Sept. 6, 1991.

Estonian banner was received on August 7, 1990. It was initially embraced on November 21st, 1918 after Estonia proclaimed independence from Russia. Estonia was assumed control by Russia again in June 1940 and the banner was banned. Estonia recovered its independence on August 20, 1991. The Estonian banner was flown in both the 1905 and 1917 Russian upsets as an image of Estonian independence.

The present Estonian banner was outlined in December 1990. The banner of Estonia comprises of three equivalent even stripes - the top stripe is blue; the center one dark; and the base stripe is white. The shades of the national banner speak of the Estonia's history, nature, and people. The blue stripe reflects confidence, and dedication and additionally the sky, ocean, and lakes. The dark symbolizes the dull past and enduring of the Estonians and, in addition, the conventional dark coat of the Estonian laborer. The white reflects endeavoring towards trust and freedom. White additionally symbolizes the shade of birch bark and snow and Estonian summer evenings lit up by the midnight sun.

The roots of the Estonian flag date back to 1881 when Estonian university students attempted to form a fraternity. They adopted blue, black and white as the fraternity's colors. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Estonia National Flag for the future.

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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

By Joshua Pastreson

Ecuador, about equal in area to Nevada, is in the northwest part of South America fronting on the Pacific. To the north is Colombia and to the east and south is Peru. The tribes in the northern highlands of Ecuador formed the Kingdom of Quito around 1000. It was absorbed, by conquest and marriage, into the Inca Empire. Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquered the land in 1532, and throughout the 17th century, a Spanish colony thrived by exploitation of the Indians. The first revolt against Spain occurred in 1809.

The first serious attempt to liberate Ecuador from Spanish rule was by a partisan group led by Juan Pío Montúfar on August 10, 1809. The group managed to take Quito and install a government, which lasted only 24 days before royalist troops regained control. Independence was finally achieved by Simón Bolívar, the Venezuelan liberator who marched southward from Caracas, freed Colombia in 1819 and supported the people of Guayaquil when they claimed independence on October 9, 1820. It took almost two years before Ecuador was entirely liberated from Spanish rule.

The present banner of Ecuador was received on September 26, 1860. The crest was added to the banner in 1900. The configuration of the Ecuadorian banner was initially proposed by Francisco de Miranda, a general in the military of the Spanish American provinces. The thought of using essential hues on the national banner was given to Miranda by Goethe, who urged Miranda to shape the country.

Bearing a close resemblance to the flags of Colombia and Venezuela, the flag of Ecuador is a horizontal tricolor in yellow, blue, and red from top to bottom. The yellow band of the flag is double the width of the other bands and stands for the bright sunshine and the fertility of the land. The yellow also denotes the gold ore found aplenty in Ecuador. Blue represents the clear blue skies over Ecuador and its vast coastal regions. The red symbolizes the patriotic spirit of the countrymen and the bloodshed in Ecuador's long struggle for freedom.

The emblem of Ecuador is focused on the banner, delineating a shield on which a condor, the national bird of Ecuador, is perched. The shield bears the picture of the snow-topped top of Mount Chimborazo and a steamboat on a stream. Mount Chimborazo in the Andes extent is the most noteworthy peak in Ecuador.

The condor is an image of sanctuary and assurance; it remains as an image of resistance against outside assault. The coat of arms, in general, symbolizes the pride of the Republic of Ecuador. The Flag Company Inc spent significant time in banner outlines offered an extraordinary version of decals and banners to remember the historical backdrop of Ecuador Flag for future generations.

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Monday, 7 March 2016

By Rose Clark

As the many state and local slogans proclaim, America started here in Delaware. The area is indeed very rich in history, much of which has been preserved for us to enjoy today. Trace the steps of our founding fathers in historic Philadelphia.

August 28, 1609-The Spanish and Portuguese are believed to have made explorations of the Delaware coastline in the early sixteenth century. However, Henry Hudson-an English navigator under the employ of the Dutch East India Trading Company is credited with the discovery of what would become known as the Delaware River and the Delaware Bay.

Adopted on July 24, 1913, the Delaware flag has a background of colonial blue surrounding a diamond of buff color in which the coat of arms of the state of Delaware is placed. Below the diamond is the words "December 7, 1787," indicating the day on which Delaware was the first state to ratify the Federal Constitution.

Because of this ratification, Delaware became the first state in the Union, and is, therefore, accorded the first position in such national events as presidential inaugurations.

As portrayed by the first commission individuals who outlined the banner, the tones of blue and buff are representations of the ones present in General George Washington's uniform. On the shield of the Delaware Flag, the boat reflects the state's rich trade, the bull, corn, wheat and agriculturists reflect cultivating and cows farming. The trooper on the Delaware Flag pays respect to the Revolutionary War Soldiers.

There are certain historic facts depicted on the Delaware Flag, like the date on which it became an official member of the Union. The remarkable symbols and bright hues enhance the beauty and appeal of the prominent Delaware Flag. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize Delaware for the future.

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Saturday, 5 March 2016

By Tom Ledgers

First visited by Spanish explorers in the 1500s, the territory was claimed for Spain by Juan de Ulibarri in 1706. The U.S. obtained eastern Colorado as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the central portion in 1845 with the admission of Texas as a state, and the western part in 1848 as a result of the Mexican War.

When the first settlers came to Colorado, the Ute lived in the mountain areas, while the Comanche, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Kiowa inhabited the Great Plains. Warfare between plains and mountain ethnic groups was continuous. The tribes of the plains combined their forces in 1840 to halt the invasion of their homelands and hunting grounds by settlers, and violence ensued. The warfare finally culminated in the Native Americans' defeat after the Indian Wars (1861â€"69) and the Buffalo War (1873â€"74). Colorado's Native Americans now live mainly on the Southern Ute reservation and in the Denver area.

In 1858, the discovery of gold in Colorado attracted new settlers. During the Plains Indian Wars (1860s-80s), Colorado's wild frontier was the scene of intense fighting between Native Americans and white settlers. In the 21st century, Colorado continues to rely on its natural resources as well as agriculture and tourism to sustain its economy.

Colorado has an effectively well-known outline for its banner. The red C remains for the name of the state reviewing the Spanish word colorado, the inception of the name and it additionally remains for the state blossom and the state handle. The last was picked on the grounds that Colorado turned into a state in 1876 when the nation was commending the centennial of its independence.

The Colorado State Flag was composed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson and received by the Colorado General Assembly on June 5, 1911. The banner determinations appeared to be sufficiently clear when received an adjustment to the enactment which was required in 1929 and in 1964.

The red, white, and blue of the U.S. Flag appear in the Colorado flag, as do the blue, yellow, and white of the columbine. The area's extensive deposits of gold and silver, which brought many early settlers to the territory and which still are actively mined, are reflected in the yellow and white of the flag. The original flag design, by Andrew Carlisle Johnson, was approved in 1911; the flag took its present form with the law effective March 31, 1964. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Colorado Flag for the future.

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By Josh Paterson

Connecticut derives its name from its principal river, called by the Indians Quonehtacut, and which, in their language, signified 'the long river.’ While Connecticut was first explored by the Dutch, who founded trading posts, the first permanent settlements were made by English Puritans from Massachusetts, starting in 1633. From the first, Connecticut enjoyed a great measure of political independence, proclaiming in its Fundamental Orders of 1639 a democratic principle of government based on the will of the people.

Connecticut played a prominent role in the Revolutionary War, serving as the Continental Army's major supplier. Sometimes called the “Arsenal of the Nation,” the state became one of the most industrialized in the nation. During the American Revolution, Connecticut gave freely of her blood and wealth. Her soldiers were on the battle line from Quebec to Carolina. It was General Israel Putnam at the battle of Bunker Hill who cried: "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" Patriot-spy Nathan Hale, as he was about to be hanged by the British, said: "I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

The dimensions and features of the Connecticut Flag are as per the criteria decided by the Connecticut Flag Law. The Connecticut Flag measures 4 feet, 4 inches in width and 5 feet, 6 inches in length. On a brilliant azure blue field, there is a decorative argent white shield. The state calls this the rococo design, which is marked by fantastic curves and ornamental patterns.

The measurements and elements of the Connecticut Flag are according to the criteria chose by the Connecticut Flag Law. On a splendid purplish blue field, there is a brightening agent white shield. The state calls this the ornate outline, which is set apart by incredible bands and elaborate marks. The shield bears the photos of 3 grape vines supporting 3 groups of dim grapes. The edges of the shield are designed with gatherings of oak seeds and white oak leafs. Underneath the seal, a parted white lace with cocoa and gold fringes, bears the state motto of Connecticut.

The 3 bunches of grapes stand for the 3 colonies of Saybrook, New Haven, and Connecticut, which together formed Connecticut in 1665. Vines are associated with never-ending friendships and grapes are said to be harbingers of good fortunes. The oak leaves and acorns are powerful symbols of antiquity, endurance, and energy.

The Connecticut Flag is typical of the historical backdrop of the state and bears the sublime Arms of the State on either side. The Flag Company Inc had practical experience in banner plans offered an exceptional release of decals and banners to retain the historical backdrop of Connecticut Flag for the future generations.

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Wednesday, 2 March 2016

By Barbara Jameson

There were many situations when the feeling of courage made men stronger in the history of humanity. Particularly in wartime, when some warriors did not feel well, they raised inspiration by shouting out and doing marvellous things; some shouting out the expressions of hurrah, and some by flying the banners of their country.

The Ink Flag phenomenal story is the kind of greatest examples. In 1949 towards the end of War of Independence, IDF powers left on a mission and effectively caught the city in Israel's most southern point. The officers chose to improvise when they understood that they didn't have a banner close by. A temporary banner was made from a white sheet with two ink stripes drawn on it, and a Star of David taken from an emergency treatment unit. This marvellous minute turned into an Israeli symbol of freedom and glory.

Banners are good for distinguishing a nation or territory instantly when a dialect is not an obstruction. The hues and tokens picked by every nation for its banner are profoundly typical. That is the reason, of our emotional spirit to come out, and we in this processes take our national banners and demonstrate the fame of our country by spreading the hope for the future generation.

A message of national freedom, of individual liberty, optimism and patriotism are the profound and respectable issues to the whole world evoked not only by The United States Flag. The main reasons of why Americans should take care of their National Flag and keep it in accordance to the main patriotic devotion are these senses closer to our hearts when we see our national flag.

National Flags are like the doorbells to the portals of other countries. We see the different colors, and shapes that give us the first impressions. From this moment, we start to ask questions and get interested in the origins of them. As a result, we take information by reading the history of this or that country on books. And why does it happen? The answer is simple. This is the inner soul sound, that make us be interested in the history of a country and provide very simple attention to people of different countries.

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By Antony Pharel

The national flag is a symbol or emblem of a country, and therefore it represents a country. Each country in the world has its own combination of colors, shapes and symbols, but conventionally almost all national flags are rectangular. The African Union is a political union of 54 African states. The highest decision-making organ is the Assembly of the African Union, made up of all the heads of state or government of member states of the AU.

Banners were first conveyed to South Africa by the European pilgrims attempting to discover an ocean course from Europe to India and the Far East. The main purpose was to reach what is presently South Africa was for the Portuguese voyager Diogo Co. He came to the mouth of the Orange River. Later, Bartolomeu Dias de Novaes came to the Cape in 1488 and arrived at what is currently Mossel Bay. After ten years, Vasco da Gama at last came to India, too.

These explorers belonged to a military order known as the Military Order of Christ. Its badge was a red cross on a white background (which is still used as the badge of the Portuguese air force today). In addition to the flag of the Order, the Portuguese sailors flew the royal flag of Portugal. The designs of both these banners were also painted on the sails of their ships as was the common practice amongst sailors at that time.

In 1928, a few years after unionization, South Africa adopted its first national flag, which consisted of a past version of the flag of the Netherlands combined with miniature flags representing the different colonies that came together to form South Africa. After the end of apartheid, South Africa adopted a new national flag in 1994, as the previous flag had come to symbolize the apartheid regime.These are the brief stories how the African national Flags were conceived that happened before. And this is an account of the flags that show history, wars, peace and dedication. This reason is hard to get unless one feels free and feels the ground at his or her feet.

On the other hand, this is not the end of the story. You may draw out your own one by having your national banner. The Flag Company Inc. will assist you with finding your banner. You require simply look it on the web and what happens next is up to your status of being what you are.

If you still want to know more about flags of any type there is a wealth of information available on, where you can find wide range of flags and all other items associated with them, beginning with the American flags, you can find Farming flags, International flags, State flags and Decals, Patriotic Decorations, Military flags, Toothpick flags, Sectional Flagpoles, Telescoping Flagpoles, Commercial Flagpoles, Sport Merchandise and other Miscellaneous items.

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Tuesday, 1 March 2016

By Gary Bolton

The national banners depict the outline history and the present days of the nations, as they symbolize the sovereign states. The most of them have turned into the well-known images and nation brands, perceived in each side of the world to understand and cherish the history of our country.

These flags are used to separate specific individuals taking into account national, provincial, religious, or social affiliations. In contrast to an old type flag coming from those days, the present day banner is frequently used as a symbol by national or provincial governments to stamp connection and area.

The Flags Company Inc. provides a full pack of International Flags for all countries. In different materials and sizes from 4"x6" and up, are already available. These international flags are made in full accordance to the highest quality standards. Love your country and buy flags on

There are many reasons why international flags may be appealing. Let's say it is a year when the Olympics are being held and it is at a location that is too far away for you to travel to. Wouldn't you still want to show your support for your home country?

Whether you are hoping to take in more about the historical backdrop of another country, or you are at present living in an alternate nation but need to show your national symbols, you can locate a correct banner at

If you still want to know more about flags of any type there is a wealth of information available on, where you can find wide range of flags and all other items associated with them, beginning with the American flags, you can find Farming flags, International flags, State flags and Decals, Patriotic Decorations, Military flags, Toothpick flags, Sectional Flagpoles, Telescoping Flagpoles, Commercial Flagpoles, Sport Merchandise and other Miscellaneous items.

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By Barbara Jameson

Independence Day yearly celebrated on July 4 and is regularly known as "the Fourth of July". It is the commemoration of the affirmation of freedom from Great Britain in 1776. Presentations and family occasions are sorted out all through the United States. Numerous individuals show the American national banner outside their homes or structures. The flying of the American banner is far reaching. Celebrations of the Fourth of July became more common as the years went on.

Independence Day is a patriotic holiday for celebrating the positive aspects of the United States. Many politicians appear at public events to show their support for the history, heritage and people of their country. The Flag Company, Inc. is ready to help America celebrate its 239 years this Fourth of July holiday with a full range of American flags and patriotic decorations from its website.

The beginning of the first American banner is obscure. A few history specialists trust it was composed by New Jersey Congressman Francis Hopkinson and sewn by Philadelphia worker Betsy Ross. Today the banner comprises of 13 flat stripes, seven red exchanging with six white. The Flag Company, Inc. has a scope of enthusiastic things to fit any financial plan and reason, making it fun and simple to be a loyalist this Fourth of July. Every patriotic person wishes to display their national flag every day, but it is especially important that the flag be displayed on certain holidays.

July 4, 1776, became the date that was included on the Declaration of Independence, and the fancy handwritten copy that was signed in August. Today, the original copy of the Declaration is housed in the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and July 4 has been designated a national holiday to commemorate the day the United States laid down its claim to be a free and independent nation. Our ancestors shaped another country and set forth a dream of freedom and majority rule government that would perpetually adjust history. Each Fourth of July, Americans feel proud of their history. The Flag Company, Inc. wishes the United States of America the best birthday ever.

If you are interested in flags of any type there is a wealth of information available on Here you can find wide range of flags and all other items associated with them, beginning with the American flags, you can find Farming flags, International flags, State flags and Decals, Patriotic Decorations, Military flags, Toothpick flags, Sectional Flagpoles, Telescoping Flagpoles, Commercial Flagpoles, Sport Merchandise and other Miscellaneous items.

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By Margaret Brooks

When King James VI of Scotland ascended to the English throne, thereby becoming James I of England, the national flags of England and Scotland on land continued to be, respectively, the red St George's cross and the white St Andrew's cross. Confusion arose, however, as to what flag would be appropriateat sea.

This is a brief story how the British national Flag was born that happened in the past. And this is a story of people who worship this national flag, the flag that shows history, wars, peace and devotion. This reason is difficult to obtain unless one feels free and feels the ground at his or her feet.

Simply imagine men returning back home after a long adventure or war. Easily, the main word he can say is the expression: "welcome back", and bending on their knees they kiss the area he was so lost for so long. This is the adoration, the commitment, the minute you never would change in light of the fact that this impacts the world forever of you and your nation, your country, your future. Just now and again we must say thanks to God for giving us such an incredible shot of repeating so as to take our national banner to fly high, the words I cherish my nation my national banner, this is me, my family, my country. The national flag of the United Kingdom, the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories is the Union Flag, which may also be called the Union Jack.

However, this is not the end of the story. You may prolong your own one by having your national flag. The Flag company Inc. will help you to find your flag.You need just search it on the web and what happens next is up to your readiness of being what you are.

On you may take some useful messages about the types of flags, and all other items associated with them, that you can find interesting, beginning with the American flags, you can find Farming flags, International flags, State flags and Decals, Patriotic Decorations, Military flags, Toothpick flags, Sectional Flagpoles, Telescoping Flagpoles, Commercial Flagpoles, Sport Merchandise and other Miscellaneous items.

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